Postal codes / ZIP codes Germany
Germany is located in Europe with an area of 357.0 km2. It neighbours the following countries:
Switzerland, Poland, Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Czech Republic, Luxembourg. Approximately 81.8 mil. inhabitants live there.
Germany is divided into 16 states (
Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Hessen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein, Thüringen ). The capital city is Berlin with
3.4 mil. inhabitants. Currency used in the country - Euro(EUR). Internet domain of the country (.de). Number of postal codes - 16460. Format of postal codes '#####', example:
ZIP 29459, Clenze Lefitz.
Country: | Germany |
Location: | Europa |
Neighbouring states: | Switzerland, Poland, Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Czech Republic, Luxembourg |
Area: | 357,0 km2 |
Country code: | DE,DEU |
Number of inhabitants: | 81.8 mil. |
Capital city: | Berlin - 3.4 mil. inhabitants live there |
Internet domain of country: | .de |
Administrative divisions of the country: | 16 states |
Format of postal codes: | '#####' - example: ZIP 10117, Berlin |
Currency: | Euro(EUR) |
Tel. code: | +49 |
Languages: | German (Standard) |
Time zone: | GMT (+1.0) - GMT time NOW (08:37) - GMT time in Germany (
09:37 )
DST (+2.0) - Daylight Saving Time - DST time in Germany( 10:37 ) |