Postal codes / ZIP codes Switzerland
Switzerland is located in Europe with an area of 41.3 km2. It neighbours the following countries:
Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein, France, Austria. Approximately 7.6 mil. inhabitants live there.
Switzerland is divided into 26 cantons (
Canton de Fribourg, Canton de Gen?ve, Canton de Neuchâtel, Canton de Vaud, Canton du Jura, Canton du Valais, Cantone Ticino, Kanton Aargau, Kanton Appenzell Ausserrhoden, Kanton Appenzell Innerrhoden, Kanton Basel-Landschaft, Kanton Basel-Stadt, Kanton Bern, Kanton Glarus, Kanton Graubünden, Kanton Luzern, Kanton Nidwalden, Kanton Obwalden, Kanton Schaffhausen, Kanton Schwyz, Kanton Solothurn, Kanton St. Gallen, Kanton Thurgau, Kanton Uri, Kanton Zug, Kanton Zürich ). The capital city is Berne with
0.0 mil. inhabitants. Currency used in the country - Franc(CHF). Internet domain of the country (.ch). Number of postal codes - 4608. Format of postal codes '####', example:
ZIP 1211, Gen?ve 20.
Country: | Switzerland |
Location: | Europa |
Neighbouring states: | Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein, France, Austria |
Area: | 41,3 km2 |
Country code: | CH,CHE |
Number of inhabitants: | 7.6 mil. |
Capital city: | Berne - 0.0 mil. inhabitants live there |
Internet domain of country: | .ch |
Administrative divisions of the country: | 26 cantons |
Format of postal codes: | '####' - example: |
Currency: | Franc(CHF) |
Tel. code: | +41 |
Languages: | German (Switzerland) , French (Switzerland) , Italian (Switzerland) , Rhaeto-Romanic |
Time zone: | GMT (+1.0) - GMT time NOW (08:35) - GMT time in Switzerland (
09:35 )
DST (+2.0) - Daylight Saving Time - DST time in Switzerland( 10:35 ) |